Subscribe & Gain
Save time. Save money. Never run out of your supps.
Subscribe & Gain™ keeps your favorite products coming automatically to your door whenever you want them, after one initial sign-up. Plus, enjoy exclusive discounts and perks.

Delivery is on us.
Get free shipping on orders over $30.

You pick the schedule.
Never find yourself staring at an empty bottle again! Select the most convenient recurring delivery frequency for you.

Don’t waste time bargain hunting.
Get the best price from the last 14 days, automatically.
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How It Works

1. Fill your cart. Pick the products you love to fuel your workouts and chase your goals.
2. Schedule your shipments. Choose how often you want to get your products delivered. We’ll send you an email reminder five days before your order ships.
3. Make changes whenever you want. It’s easy to manage, skip, pause, or cancel your shipments anytime.
Shop your favorites
Order what you need to help support your health and fitness goals, then add Subscribe & Gain™ for free at checkout to make sure you’re always stocked up!
Subscribe & Gain is the best way to ensure you don’t run out of your favorite supplements. Stay focused on your training and let us deliver your preferred products straight to your door whenever you want them. Plus, enjoy exclusive discounts and perks that are only available to Subscribe & Gain members.
Just tell us how often you want your products: every 30, 45, 60, or 90 days. We’ll take it from there! Plus, you’ll receive free standard shipping on orders over $30! You always have complete control over your Subscribe & Gain orders, and we will always send you an email reminder five days before each order ships.
You can change your delivery frequency, next order date, or quantity anytime by visiting Subscribe & Gain within your account. Changes to or cancellations of orders can be made up to 48 hours before the next scheduled shipment date.
Joining Subscribe & Gain is simple! When adding a product to your cart from the product page, choose the Subscribe & Gain option and select your desired frequency.
You can also set up a product for subscription after you’ve added it to the cart. Again, just select your desired frequency and check out as usual.
Subscribe & Gain is free to join, and once you’re a member, it saves you money on the products you love to fuel your workouts. We’ve provided four ways to save with Subscribe & Gain:
- Your initial order will be charged the price as advertised, including any current promotions. Customers who are eligible for discounts using may still benefit from that discount on their first order, but not for any recurring orders.
- On any recurring order, we’ll always give you our Best Price Guaranteed. What does this mean? We’ll provide you the lowest advertised price with a 14-day lookback from the scheduled shipment date on all qualifying Subscribe & Gain products. Please check our Subscribe & Gain Terms and Conditions for details and exceptions for specific promotions, such as “Buy One, Get One” promotions.
- You’ll receive free shipping on Subscribe & Gain orders over $30 USD.
- Active BodyFit® Customers will additionally receive their respective 5% or 10% store discounts (depending on their membership level) on their first Subscribe & Gain order, as well as any recurring orders.
After you join, you will receive an email confirming your Subscribe & Gain subscription. This email will include a link to access the Subscribe & Gain section of your account, where you can manage your future orders, subscription items, and account information.
Your Subscribe & Gain orders will be placed automatically according to your selected frequency, and you will only be billed on the day the order is shipped. Prior to each order, we will send you an email reminder. You will also receive email notifications regarding other important information related to your subscription, such as confirmation for when an order is placed successfully or notification of any necessary changes to your shipment.
Once you’ve subscribed, it’s easy to manage your orders. Visit the Subscribe & Gain page located in your account to change your next order date, skip an order, change your selected frequency, or pause or cancel a subscription. Please make any changes at least 48 hours in advance of your upcoming shipment, and allow up to 24 hours for modifications or cancellations to be processed.
To skip an order, please visit the Subscribe & Gain section within your account and click the “Skip Order” button next to the applicable subscription.
To change your next order date, please visit the Subscribe & Gain section within your account and click the “Change Shipment Date” button to select a new date for your order. This will change the order date for the entire subscription order, as well as any future orders.
To modify the delivery frequency for a subscription item, please visit the Subscribe & Gain section within your account. The current delivery frequency is displayed next to each subscription item in a dropdown menu. To change the delivery frequency for an individual subscription item, simply click the frequency dropdown next to the item you would like to modify and select your next desired frequency from the dropdown menu.
Whether you’re already stocked up, are leaving for a long vacation, or just need to take a break, you can always pause your subscription so you can pick up where you left off when you’re ready. To pause your subscription, please visit the “Subscribe & Gain’ section within your account and click the “Pause Subscription” button. Please note this is done by item, so be sure to choose “Pause Subscription” for each item within your subscriptions if you want all of them paused.
It’s easy to cancel a subscription, and there is never a commitment to continue. Changes to orders can be made up to 48 hours before the next scheduled shipment date. To cancel a Subscribe & Gain item, please visit the “Upcoming Shipments” section within your account and click the “Cancel Subscription” button for the item you wish to cancel. You’ll be prompted to confirm this action and indicate your reason for cancelling. Once you’ve selected “Cancel,” your subscription will be cancelled and no future orders will be placed. You will receive an email notification confirming this. You may reactivate your subscription at any time from the “Inactive Subscriptions” section of your Subscribe & Gain account.
To review or modify your Subscribe & Gain account information, visit Subscribe & Gain within your account. Here, you can view and change your shipping address.
We are currently unable to update payment methods for existing subscriptions. To change your preferred payment method, please cancel your current subscription, then update your card information as you normally would under My Account, and simply start a new subscription with your updated payment method.
Please remember to press “Save Changes” and verify that your updated information was saved successfully. We kindly ask that you allow up to 48 hours for modifications or cancellations to be processed.
Orders will be shipped to you within 24 hours of your next scheduled order date. You can view and modify the next order date for an individual item under the “Upcoming Orders” section of your Subscribe & Gain account.
Subscription items that have the same order date, shipping address, billing address, and payment method will automatically ship as one order.
If you have more than one Subscribe & Gain item and want the items to ship in the same order, simply visit the Subscribe & Gain section of your account and change the next order dates to be the same. Also, confirm all orders are going to the same shipping address and have the same billing address and payment method.
Yes! To do so, you must be logged in to your account. Visit the item’s page you wish to add to your order, and find the “Add this to my order on:” button. When you click this button, you will have the option to add the item as a one-time-only add-on to your next order or as a recurring subscription item.
All Subscribe & Gain orders require a credit or debit card payment. Alternative payment forms, such as PayPal, Amazon Pay, gift cards, and store credit, are not accepted at this time.
Most but not all products on our site qualify for Subscribe & Gain. There is no guessing involved, though! Any eligible items are clearly marked as Subscribe & Gain products, and will allow you to select refill subscription options.